samedi 10 avril 2010

Blast from the past

Its quite odd that i manage to add Ruben, the ex best friend who hated me after that "incident" which he refused to acknowledge that he is hating me into MSN again.

Every attempt at conversation will reveal his bitter side towards me. His cold and uncaring tone differs significantly from what he used to be. He's now just a sad, cold and bitter shadow of his former cheerful and wise self. Or perhaps he knows his tricks and PR stunts no longer work on me (he will ALWAYS try to appear as the good guy, the stronger and more superior guy even tho he's not, and when shit happens and it turns out he's not, he just changes that set of friends) so he'd rather fend me off than to make amends. He maintains this belief that people will not change or improve but he's wrong because i am proof of that. He's also proof that people will change: from a warm, caring and friendly person to a cold and bitter one.

This was my last conversation with him:

Me: hey
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: sup
Me: lots lol
Me: but its all good
Me: what abt u
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: exciting
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: going to japan tonight
Me: that sure is exciting
Me: remember to get vibrators
Me: lol
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: vibrators? for what?
Me: the japs are famous for that lol
Me: very, very famous
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: well i have no use for those
Me: your female friends may need
Me: haha
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: speechless [eh, hello, need to be speechless at a harmless joke?]
Me: aiyo its just a joke la
Me: so long no c u so serious ed
Me: i mean so long no talk to you so serious already
Me: loosen up a little :P
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: so long no c u, u are still an awkward person
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: glad to know that things dont change [i used to be a loooot more socially awkward that what i appear to be now, Lady Gaga has shown me ITS OK TO BE AWKWARD! THEY STILL LOVE YOU IF YOU STILL ARE! I had few friends in the past due to this, but not anymore so why is he bringing it up? surely, he's still very bitter against me]
Me: is it up to you to say? no i dont think so anymore
Me: you're stuck at an afterimage of me
Me: glad to know that you're still closed and bitter
Me: go on with life as a bitter person, im sure you will find happiness that way
Me: well you started it
Me: if you're not bitter, you wouldnt be adding glad that things dont change
Me: :) so loosen up, its for your own happiness
Ru - Mr. Ham Sarp: have a nice day [At this point he went offline. This is the phrase he used in the past right before blocking me in MSN. The amount of hypocrisy is amazing huh. i realized no point and deleted his contact]

So there we have it. People do get worse over time instead of improving once they close their hearts towards things. I do feel guilty for turning him into this but then i realize he can just as easily choose not to see things that way, see things as it really is and stop trying to look good just for once and be honest so that things can repair themselves, so nah, not guilty because this is what he chose to be. In any case, if any of you do meet him and want to have some fun, do look through his perfect image and you'll see nothing but an insecure and bitter young man trying to be what he's not by pretending to be what he is not.

sad, sad, sad case, really.

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