lundi 19 juillet 2010

Know your bisexual

I've noticed that alot of people in the PLU world tend to despise bisexuals although bisexuals are part of the who gay ecosystem because its as if bi guys hurt gay guys on purpose. And all bi guys are evil.

Well i'm gonna need to do some clarifications here: Yes, Bis can change their orientation, but not all the time. Yes, they have hurt a shitload of guys (and girls) and yes, they cannot control who them fall in love with, but there are a few types of bi guys because not all bi guys are bad. There are good ones as well and shouldnt be lumped in with the bad ones. the few types of bi guys are mainly

1) the oversexed one.
These are not exactly bi guys, they're just hypersexed. They just need someone to have sex with them and it so happens that sex with guys is a lot more convenient to do it with as there's no worries with periods and moods associated with girls. It's just the anus and the dick. They get excited at nudity of both sexes because they just wanna have sex. It is after all easier to get a guy to have sex with another guy than to get a girl without requiring too much money. In other words, they're just having sex with guys because its easier than girls although their heart still desires girls. Fridae terms them as MSM (men who have sex with men) and they could even be str8 guys who just have sex with guys to release pressure. They do fall in love with guys all the same, but obviously its a short lived one (usually).

2) the truly open minded one.
There are some people in this world who can love another irregardless of age, race and gender. And these are the real bisexuals because if they meet someone they really love, they can disregard everything else and go for the person. These types are truly rare but they do exist. Once they fall in love with someone, they will not switch camps because there is no need to: they love the person and not the body and its irrelevant. So if they happen to like a guy, they'll just sacrifice their ego and learn to be gay. If they like a girl they'll just be who they are.

3) the scene kid.
these are guys who think gay is the new black, but they're really straight. Anyone can suck a cock and pretend to be gay right. Some of them eventually 'give up' and lead a normal life but some dont. They like the feeling and think it's fun to go against the norm and they do this by having sex with men. They're not for relationships and even if they're in one, its usually all for show. They're obvious by how they try to dress up like metrosexuals (or ah bengs) and them liking other guys in a superficial way.

So there you see, the few different types of bi guys and some people may even be a combination of both or more. At the end, the problem lies not with bisexuality but people in general as there are individuals who wont think twice about taking advantage of others and then dumping them when they are through. You just have to be very careful and spot the signs. Type 1 and 3 is to be avoided, and type 2 comes very rarely. So, never jump in...

*PS If you are offended by this post, or if there are inaccuracies, please do comment below. Your feedback is much appreciated as it helps me fine tune my blogging style and thoughts.

7 commentaires:

  1. my first was a bi and after it didn't work out... i hated bis... i felt that they should pick a side and not have the wonderful privilege of getting the best of both worlds...
    but i've moved on and now, my best friend is bi... XD

    to think of it... it's kinda cool... having 6 billion of choices...

  2. That's a very good obervation. I noted that there's another type. Bisexual guys who turn homosexual, mainly for the sex and change in feelings. A little similar to type 2 but different. They eventually get converted after trying the other side. :)

    I don't completely hate bisexuals. Just that I will stay away, for their undecisiveness and sometimes, selfishness.

  3. dancerboy: no its not cool at all. sometimes it can be painful especially when u dont wanna hurt the person you love, yet there is no definite answer to whether or not you can commit or resist the urges. It feels like having your heart and balls burned by a red hot drill :( its extremely painful.

    dove: most people are born inherently bi. str8 guys stay away from other guys because they're afraid that they may develop feelings. Thos who dont..well..eventually try guys and feel that its okay to let down that wall and thus appear to have 'converted' when in reality they're like that all along :P everyone's selfish. when nasty guys happen to be bi, you get this kinda result.....

    the fox is sad and angry over selfish bi guys

  4. Well... my opinion is, I will still stay away from them. Same idea with little dove, they should choose a side and stick to it and not just conveniently switching sides. It adds an extra disadvantages, no sense of security.

  5. Personally i would recommend you guys to NOT trust bi guys. The one type that can be trusted is like a needle in the haystack. But they are ok as friends.

  6. very interesting! but can bisexual guys be so easily categorised?

  7. most bi guys will fall into one or more of this categories because well, people will always be people :P.
