I found this quote while i was reading for something to alleviate my emotional pain:
Positive relationships sometimes can be wonderful. But you have to remember you are having a relationship with that person.
That person is the real object of your positive relationship. You don’t use that person to further a unhealthy relationship with yourself.
For some reason it made sense. And i dont think i want to get in a relationship if i would be using it to fuel my own agendas for one like getting sexually satisfied and just so that there's someone 'there' because i have that need. and i give my love to him/her/it for that purpose. then its like a mutual exploitation thing. The dating game is always fun but the rollercoaster crash is quite painful as well. Thats why some guys keep doing it and tricking guys into dating them and then dumping them after getting sex from these guys.
As for me, i just wanted to test my skills and see if they work. I am not afraid of a commitment but since i can convince myself to love anyone over time, it really isnt fair to the other guy. I admit i have been unsuccessful so many times, but it seems that im just doing it to prove something. I have been careful to not hurt their feelings, i did not when i was younger so this is probably the karma from that...
sexual needs aside, i can show the same care and affection to my friends and people around me, and not just to one person. i'll be doing just that from now on.
This song kinda sums up 2010...
It will be lighter if you expect less. May 2011 the year of fox!!