During a meetup with a newfound friend over the weekend, together with tuls and Calvin, we discovered that this newfound friend's bf has a blog. And tuls was freaking out so hard coz he knew so many of them that this friend also knew. And then now there is a new trend lately where bloggers date each other.
I originally started this blog as a tool to help me heal by expressing myself, and placing all my unhappy stuffs out of my heart/mind into this lil website and then its kinda off my system and i feel better a lil. But ive gone past that stage recently and now its more or less time to move on from there and be a totally different person. There's a more outgoing me in the works beneath this nerdy personality and he needs come out with the help of a few friends. Think of it as a new me coming out of the old me with a few friends serving as the midwives, helping to introduce me and all to this whole new world of people. i want to be the social butterfly but i guess i have to start somewhere...hmmm
Should i delete this blog and then start a new one with my new personality? because after all, some of the posts here are really too depressing and dosent reflect who i want to be. Or should i continue with this one as my past is still me, just not reflecting the current me, and that it adds depth to my personality...? Please leave a comment on your opinion on this!
=.=" bloggers dating each other?! what the....
RépondreSupprimerits a trend now. just ask tuls(tm)
RépondreSupprimeri dont know maybe its because we have a similar wavelength or something
what the f.. hahaha... we became bloggers after being together for 4 months la darling! hahahahaha... wth... its your blog.. dont have to ask opinion on what to do.. just ikut naluri hati! :)
RépondreSupprimerhi medie.. :)
talking bout u meh? so perasan
RépondreSupprimerit's up to you
RépondreSupprimerI'm with tuls, it's your blog. To delete or not is up to you and how you see it but all I can say is that creating another new blog won't help in social skills. You need to equip yourself with knowledge so that you have a wider ranger of topics to talk about when chatting with current or new friends.
RépondreSupprimerwhat i kinda mean is that there are so many depressing posts here...and im wondering if people would pass a faux judgement based on that...
RépondreSupprimerbut i'll just keep it. decision made..lol.